We process your personal data in order to fulfill our legal duties within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, to communicate more effectively, to make our business plans, to measure the quality of service we provide, your health and safety, etc. I accept that I have read and understood all “Clarification Texts” presented to my knowledge on the official website in the section on the processing of my personal data and special categories of personal data. I undertake that my personal and special categories of personal data and the information I will provide in job applications and other data will be collected and processed verbally, in writing, or electronically based on my explicit consent, and that the information I provided at the entrance is correct. I give my explicit consent to the processing of my personal data and special categories of personal data for the purposes specified in all “Clarification Texts” and to be shared with the persons specified in the “Clarification Texts” and for the specified purposes.

EXCEPTIONS: If there is an issue that you do not consent to in the matters specified in the Clarification Texts, please notify us in writing.

Customer Clarification Text on Processing and Protection of Personal Data


a) Explicit consent: Consent related to a specific subject, based on information and expressed with free will,

b) Anonymization: Making personal data impossible to be associated with an identified or identifiable natural person under any circumstances, even by matching with other data,

c) Data subject: The natural person whose personal data is processed. Customers (passengers) who receive services from the Business within the scope of this clarification text

d) Personal data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person,

e) Processing of personal data: Any operation performed on personal data such as obtaining, recording, storing, retaining, modifying, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying, or preventing the use of personal data by fully or partially automatic means or by non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system

f) Institution Personal Data Protection Authority,

g) Data processor: A natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller based on the authorization granted by the data controller,

h) Data recording system: The recording system in which personal data are structured and processed according to certain criteria,

i) Data Controller: The natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system,

refers to


This clarification text, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 dated 07.04.2016 (hereinafter referred to as the “Law”), Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. (hereinafter referred to as Meander Travel), established in Turkey, in its capacity as data controller, with the aim of informing its passengers regarding the procedures and principles regarding the processing of personal data belonging to the Customer (passengers). During the acquisition of personal data specified in Article 10 of the Law, the data controller or the person authorized by the data controller is obliged to inform the relevant persons about the identity of the Data Controller and its representative, if any, for what purpose the personal data will be processed, to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred, the method and legal reason for collecting personal data, and other rights listed in Article 11. This Clarification Text will be updated by Meander Travel when necessary and its current version will be published.


Meander Travel collects the data of the “Data Subjects” in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data through the channels listed below, automatically or non-automatically, verbally, in writing, or electronically in accordance with the law and processed within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.


Your personal data are obtained in whole or in part by automatic means or by non-automatic methods, provided that they are part of the data recording system, based on the legal reason “it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation” and “data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject” in Article 5 of the Personal Data Protection Law. Personal data of data subjects are generally collected as written in the paragraph above. Concrete examples of the method of collecting personal data are given below, but not limited to these.

Through application forms published in writing or electronically,

Verbal at the counter,

With booking forms from agencies,

With information from the call center system,

By electronic mail, cargo, reference, and similar methods to the Company,

Through correspondence carried out through electronic mail addresses, text messages sent, all communication methods including information forms and all kinds of communication channels,

Through reference (relatives) persons,

Audio and visual recording systems,


Consumer legislation

Tax legislation,

Law of obligations legislation,

Commercial law legislation,

Food legislation,

Environmental legislation,

Identity reporting law,

Law on Notification,

Law on the regulation of broadcasts on the Internet and the fight against crimes committed through these broadcasts,

Legislation on electronic communication etc. all relevant legislation



Name, surname, date of birth, nationality, place of birth, gender, Turkish ID number, passport information (passport number, type).


Telephone number, e-mail address.


Passenger’s destination information is to be picked up by transfer.


Request information, invoice information, call center records, guest check-in procedures, hotel name, room number, departure time, return time, departure location, pick-up location, and ticket type.


Credit card information, Bank account no.


Camera recordings.


Shopping history information.


Photographs, voice recordings, and camera recordings of a real person.


Disability status/definition.


Vehicle license plate, special preferences (preferred services and products), people traveling with them.


According to the Law, any data that can be associated with a natural person, which is stored electronically or in printed form, specified in the list titled “Your Processed Personal and Sensitive Data”, is defined as “Personal Data”. Personal data may be shared with the relevant institutions and organizations if required by law and are processed in accordance with the law and honesty rules, accurately and up-to-date when necessary, for specific, clear, and legitimate purposes, in connection with the purpose for which they are processed, within the framework of the principles of being limited and proportionate. Personal Data may be processed for the following purposes by the data controller or legal/real persons to be appointed by him/her in accordance with the LPPD;

  • Emergency Management
  • Execution of Processes
  • Execution of Information Security Processes
  • Conducting Audit / Ethics Activities
  • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation
  • Execution of Finance and Accounting Affairs
  • Ensuring Physical Space Security
  • Monitoring and Execution of Legal Affairs
  • Conducting Internal Audit/ Investigation Activities
  • Execution of Communication Activities
  • Execution / Supervision of Business Activities
  • Execution of Logistics Activities
  • Execution of Goods / Service Sales Processes
  • Execution of Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes
  • Conducting Marketing Analysis Studies
  • Execution of Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes
  • Execution of Storage and Archive Activities
  • Execution of Contract Processes
  • Execution of Marketing Processes of Products / Services
  • Ensuring the security of data controller operations
  • Providing information to authorized persons, institutions, and organizations,
  • Conducting management activities
  • Input and output control
  • Determination of working conditions
  • To protect the health and safety of the guest
  • Fulfillment of legal obligations specified in the KVKK
  • Fulfillment of obligations arising from laws


Your personal data processed is limited to mandatory information at home or abroad;

  • We always keep your data safely and securely and use your data for reservation, data processing, advertising, marketing, promotion, business development, security, promotion, campaign notification, and also with our business partners, suppliers (authorized or employees), our company’s officials, our shareholders, (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure) for the purpose of providing our services and fulfilling our legal obligations to legally authorized public institutions and private persons by taking the necessary measures,
  • With the authorities of the country you want to visit,
  • Personal and special categories of personal data are transferred to judicial authorities or relevant law enforcement agencies upon request to resolve legal disputes or in accordance with the relevant legislation.
  • Due to the information technologies used by the data controller, the servers located abroad, especially in the EU countries, America, and Russia, and the companies that provide this server support and the companies that provide cloud computing services in cases where cloud computing is used,
  • With the relevant audit and consultancy firms, independent audit firms, financial advisors/accounting firms, and law offices in order to fulfill our obligations and audit our commercial activities in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation,
  • It may be transferred to public institutions and organizations in order to fulfill legal requirements and/or to fulfill the requests of official authorities, by obtaining explicit consent in cases where explicit consent is required by law (except in cases where explicit consent is not required by law) and within the framework of the conditions determined by law.

In cases where explicit consent is required by law, it may be transferred by obtaining explicit consent (except in cases where explicit consent is not required by law) and within the framework of the conditions determined by law.


Your personal and sensitive personal data will be deleted within 10 years from the date of processing.

Your camera recordings will be stored and deleted for a period of 75 days, but in case of complaints and suspicion of complaints, the relevant records will be kept during the statute of limitations.

After the expiration of the period, your personal data will be deleted, destroyed, and/or anonymized by the data controller or upon your request by methods within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the relevant regulations. You can always withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data other than the data required to be processed by law.


According to Article 11 of the Law, you have the following rights

a) Learn whether personal data is being processed,

b) Request information if personal data has been processed,

c) To learn the purpose of personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

d) To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad, To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,

e) Request deletion or destruction of personal data, (Please request a form from the Human Resources Department for the request)

f) To request notification of the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,

g) To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data only through automated systems,

h) In case of damage due to the processing of personal data in violation of the Law, to demand the compensation of the damage,

Your requests in your application will be finalized free of charge within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost for the Company, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller may be charged.

In matters related to the processing of your personal data, you must submit your application to our Company by filling out the application form on the Company’s website, in writing, or by using your registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or your e-mail address that you have previously notified us and is included in our records. Depending on the nature of your request and your application method, additional verifications (such as sending a message to your registered phone, or calling you) may be requested by the Company to determine whether the application belongs to you and thus to protect your rights. For example, if you apply through your e-mail address registered with the Company, we may contact you using another communication method registered with the Company and request confirmation of whether the application belongs to you.

Exceptions to the Right to Apply


  • Pursuant to Article 28 of the KVK Law, it will not be possible for personal data owners to assert their rights on the following issues.
  • Processing of personal data for purposes such as research, planning, and statistics by anonymizing them with official statistics,
  • Processing of personal data for artistic, historical, literary, or scientific purposes or within the scope of freedom of expression, provided that it does not violate national defense, national security, public security, public order, economic security, the privacy of private life, or personal rights or does not constitute a crime,
  • Processing of personal data within the scope of preventive, protective, and intelligence activities carried out by public institutions and organizations authorized by law to ensure national defense, national security, public security, public order, and economic security,
  • Processing of personal data by judicial authorities or enforcement authorities in relation to the investigation, prosecution, trial, or execution procedures.

Pursuant to Article 28/2 of the PDP Law; it will not be possible for personal data owners to assert their rights, except for the request for compensation for the damage in the cases listed below.

  • Processing of personal data is necessary for the prevention of crime or criminal investigation Processing of personal data made public by the personal data owner himself/herself,
  • Personal data processing is necessary for the execution of supervisory or regulatory duties and disciplinary investigations and prosecutions by authorized and authorized public institutions and organizations and professional organizations in the nature of public institutions based on the authority granted by law,

Personal data processing is necessary for the protection of the economic and financial interests of the state in relation to budget, tax, and financial matters.


Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S.

Camikebir Mah.
Mahmut Esat Bozkurt Cad.
Turistik Site No:14/B
09400 Kuşadası/Aydın

Kep Adresi:

Distance Electronic Ticket Sales and Passenger Transportation Contract


Article 1.1 – SELLER

Title : Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. (Meander Travel)

Address Camikebir Mah.

Mahmut Esat Bozkurt Cad.

Touristic Site No:14/B

09400 Kusadasi/Aydin

Tel : 0 (252) 4126486


Mersis No: 0295 0107 4740 0010

Hereinafter referred to as “SELLER”.


Article 1.2 – BUYER

The person who purchases the passenger transportation ticket from the website “, is the person named in the ticket in accordance with the information entered on this website and to whom the passenger transportation service will be provided. Hereinafter referred to as “buyer”.

In case the credit card holder and the person who will receive the service subject to the ticket are separate persons; both the person who owns the credit card where the ticket price is paid and the person who will receive the service are the buyer party of this contract. According to this contract, both persons declare and undertake that they will fulfill the rights and obligations arising from this contract by gaining the title of buyer.

The buyer declares and undertakes that the information provided is correct, that he/she will comply with all the rules specified in this contract during the service provided, and that he/she will fulfill all the obligations of this contract.


The address of the website where the seller sells the “passenger transportation ticket” under the provision of this contract is “”.

All tickets reported to be sold by the seller other than this website are invalid.

“” hereinafter referred to as “website” in this contract.


The subject of this contract is to determine the procedures and principles regarding the sale of passenger transportation tickets and the passenger transportation service provided to the BUYER by the SELLER to the BUYER electronically through the website “”. In this regard, the provisions of Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers (“Law”) and the Distance Contracts Regulation dated 27.11.2014 (“Regulation”) are taken as reference.


The services subject to this contract are the sale of electronic tickets through the website on passenger transportation by ship and the provision of passenger transportation service to the buyer on whose behalf the electronic ticket is issued. The ticket consists of the seller’s name, title, open address, telephone, internet access information, MERSIS number, basic characteristics of the service subject to the contract, sales price, payment method, boarding place, destination, travel date, departure time, information at the time the order on the seller’s website ends. The ticket is also sent to the email address of the buyer. As soon as the buyer finalizes the ticket order specified in this contract through the website, he/she is deemed to have DELIVERED the ticket subject to the contract. With the delivery, it is deemed to have accepted and undertaken that it will comply with the rules in the contract and fulfill its obligations.


The buyer gives the necessary confirmation electronically that he/she has read and is informed about the basic qualities of the passenger transportation ticket subject to this contract, passenger transportation rules, sales price and payment method, and all information regarding delivery. The Buyer accepts and undertakes that he/she has read this contract and passenger transportation rules, will comply with all the rules in the contract, and will fulfill all his/her obligations.

The buyer agrees and undertakes that in the event that the buyer does not comply with the rules specified in this contract and does not fulfill its obligations in accordance with the rules specified in the contract, the seller may terminate this contract immediately without any notice, reserving all rights.

All damages arising from the buyer’s failure to comply with this contract belong to the buyer.

Tickets purchased in accordance with this contract are only at the order of the person named on the ticket and can be used personally. The buyer accepts and undertakes that the information he/she enters on the website is correct and that he/she has purchased tickets to be used by the person named on the ticket. If it is determined that the person named on the ticket and the person who wants to receive the service are different, the buyer accepts and undertakes that the seller has no responsibility arising from this contract and may terminate this contract without any notice.


Since the articles written under the title of “Section Three” regulating the “Use of the Right of Withdrawal and the Obligations of the Parties” of the Regulation do not apply to “Passenger Transportation Services”, the BUYER has no right of withdrawal.


  1. Tickets are personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
  2. Once the ticket is purchased, the reservation cannot be changed, and the ticket cannot be canceled or refunded.
  3. The passenger is obliged to present the credit card used for the purchase to the authorities at check-in (at the port when the boarding pass is taken).
  4. Open-date tickets are valid for the year of issue.
  5. The passenger agrees to obey the ship’s order and the captain’s instructions.
  6. The passenger must be present at the port at least 1 hour before the departure time of the ship.
  7. The Seller reserves the right to make any changes in the itinerary.
  8. Any disputes related to transportation shall be resolved in Kusadasi Courts in accordance with the current tariff conditions and Turkish Laws and Legislation.
  9. Due to bad weather and sea conditions, problems beyond the control of the seller, voyages may be stopped, or changed or voyage times may be extended. The seller is not responsible for any expenses or inconveniences, including transportation, accommodation, and food expenses that may arise from these and similar delays and cancellations beyond the control of the seller.
  10. Women who are over six months pregnant are not allowed to travel on our ships for their own safety.
  11. The seller shall not be liable for any injury or death, damage, or loss to vehicles, luggage, or personal belongings unless it is proved by a court of law in Kusadasi that such injury or death was caused by the fault or negligence of the seller. The seller shall not be liable for any injury, death, loss, or damage caused by terrorism, riots, civil war, natural disasters, bad sea and weather conditions, or malicious acts of third parties.
  12. The carrier cannot be held responsible for lost passenger belongings on board the vessels.
  13. The ticket price is only for transportation between the port of departure and the port of destination. Tickets can only be used for the route indicated on the ticket. The itineraries on the tickets cannot be changed. It does not cover any other service offered unless an additional fee has been charged by the seller.
  14. In case the fare is paid in a currency other than the currency in which it is advertised, the evaluation will be made at the Central Bank Foreign Exchange Sales Rate at the time of purchase of the electronic ticket.
  15. There is no guarantee of a specific seat number on the ship.
  16. Greece does not require a visa from Green and Gray Passport holders.
  17. Regular passport holders must have a Schengen Visa valid for the duration of the cruise.
  18. Turkish Citizens with TRNC entry stamps in their passports cannot travel to Greece with these passports.
  19. It is dangerous and forbidden for passengers to board and disembark the ship until the ramp is fully opened for embarkation and disembarkation the ship’s crew has given boarding or disembarkation approval and necessary security measures have been taken.
  20. If a passenger behaves on board the ship in such a manner as to endanger the ship or any person or property, obstructs the ship’s crew in the performance of their duties, or fails to comply with the instructions of the ship’s crew, or causes reasonable objection by other passengers, the seller may take such measures as he deems necessary to prevent the continuation of such behavior, including restraining the passenger.
  21. Passengers must remain seated during take-off and docking maneuvers. Passengers are required to comply with the warnings announced by announcements during navigation. The seller cannot be held responsible for injuries and material damages that may arise from non-compliance with these rules.
  22. The seller shall be liable only in the event of damage to the passenger or baggage due to its own fault. In case of mutual fault of the passenger, the seller’s liability may be reduced or removed subject to the provisions of the legislation.
  23. The seller shall not be liable for damage to breakable and perishable items, money, jewelry, precious metals, silverware, promissory notes, or other commercial valuable papers, passports, and other identification documents or specimens in the baggage.
  24. The seller shall not be liable for any illness, injury, or disability, including the death of a passenger due to or aggravated by any of the aforementioned conditions when a passenger whose age, mental, or physical condition creates a danger or risk to him/her.
  25. On your return from Samos, you are required to visit the kiosk/office of our agency at the Port of Samos to get your boarding passes and check-in procedures.
  26. To facilitate your check-in at the ports, please do not forget to print out your online ticket.
  27. Passengers with one-way tickets who are not allowed to enter Greece are obliged to purchase a ticket for their return journey.
  28. Passengers with one-way tickets who are not allowed to enter Turkey must purchase a new ticket for their return journey.
  29. The passenger undertakes and accepts that he/she does not have a TRNC stamp in his/her passport and that he/she will personally pay the fine to be imposed by Greece if he/she attempts to travel with a TRNC stamp in his/her passport and that he/she has been informed about this issue by announcement.
  30. The passenger undertakes and agrees that his/her passport, visa, residence permit, or other travel documents do not have any validity period, scope, date, number of entries, length of stay, or any other similar element that prevents him/her from entering Greece and that he/she will personally pay the fine to be imposed by Greece in case he/she attempts to travel in case he/she does, and that he/she has been informed about this issue by announcement.
  31. For round-trip tickets for different seasons, the season price of the departure date is applied.
  32. For closed return tickets, the return date cannot be changed.
  33. For open return tickets, there is no availability guarantee for the return date.
  34. For open return tickets, the return date and time must be confirmed with our agencies in Samos during business hours one day before the departure.


The Seller may refuse to carry the Passenger and/or Passenger Baggage for security reasons or at its discretion in the following and similar cases:

Passenger’s behavior, age or mental or physical condition,

If it requires special assistance from the seller,

Causes inconvenience or objections from other passengers or presents any risk or danger to other persons or property,

If the passenger’s failure to comply with the seller’s instructions makes such a refusal necessary,

If the passenger refuses the security check,

Passengers arrive at the boarding terminal under the influence of intoxicating substances and/or narcotics, in a state that may affect the safety and comfort of other passengers and the navigation,

Passengers who refuse carriage will not be refunded the ticket price and will not be compensated in any way by the seller.


Firearms and ammunition used for other than hunting and sporting purposes are prohibited to be carried as baggage. Firearms and ammunition for hunting and sporting purposes may be accepted as checked baggage to the extent that they comply with carrier rules. Firearms must be unsecured, unloaded, and properly packaged.

The seller may refuse to carry any object as baggage because of its size, shape, weight, and nature.

The seller may refuse to carry baggage if it is not packed in bags and suitcases or other suitable containers to ensure safe transportation with normal care.

Passengers are entitled to free baggage.

At the port of arrival, passengers can pick up their baggage after all baggage has been unloaded from the ship to the dock.

Prohibited substances such as drugs are strictly prohibited. If it is detected that they are carried, the responsibility belongs entirely to the carrier.


Animals such as dogs (except dangerous dogs such as American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, bull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Doberman, Rottweiler, etc.) and cats with valid vaccination and health certificates, entry permits and other documents required by Greece may be accepted for transportation, provided that they are agreed in advance with the seller.

Acceptance of animal transportation is subject to the passenger assuming full responsibility for the animal. The seller shall not be liable for the death, illness, delay, or loss of, or injury to, such animal or for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary costs and damages arising from the refusal to allow the animal to enter or transit through Greece.


The seller cannot be requested to change the passenger, date, time, and route information of the electronic tickets purchased according to this contract in any way. The buyer hereby accepts and undertakes that he/she will not change the ticket purchased according to this contract in any way after the sales confirmation and will not request a refund.

The ticket fee is not refunded to the passenger who is not allowed to board the ship by the competent authorities or who cannot travel due to visa procedures.


All rights and disposition authority of the website subject to this contract are vested in Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S.

(Meander Travel) and the person who enters and uses the site is deemed to have accepted the rules of use and agreement of the site. Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. (Meander Travel) reserves the right to change any information on the site, including the terms of the contract. Changes become effective as soon as they are published on the website.

Reservation and ticket conditions are published on our website.

It is possible to link to other sites through the website. Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. (Meander Travel) does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on the linked site and does not make any commitment. Any damages that may arise from the use of these sites are the user’s own responsibility.


Article 13.1 – Privacy Policy

Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. (Meander Travel) is used within the scope of the conditions stated in the Privacy Policy section.

Article 13.2 – Privacy Procedure

Under the heading of personal information, Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S.’s obligations and principles. Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. confirms that all relevant rules will be fully and completely fulfilled. Thus, in accordance with the principles of personal information collection set out below, care is taken to ensure that any information collected is stored under strict security and confidentiality measures taken by our team. Our website contains links to sites that can demonstrate that they are sufficiently sensitive to privacy and comply with our standards. However, Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. does not have any responsibility.

Article 13.3 – Personal Information Collection Procedure

The Buyer is responsible for the security and accuracy of the information obtained through our website and the security and accuracy of the transactions made by Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S., as well as for affiliated companies, partners, and agencies. It is mandatory to provide a number of personal information, including but not limited to name, surname, identity document number, address, credit/debit card numbers, expiration date, security number, passport number, and nationality, which may vary according to the product or service requested. Failure to provide the seller with the information necessary to continue the transactions may prevent the fulfillment of the service to be provided to the buyer.

The information belonging to the buyer can only be used for the specified purposes:

  • Processing reservations and sales and managing the buyer’s account.
  • Marketing of services and related products.
  • Providing statistics on transactions.
  • Creation of contact lists in order to maintain contact with the buyer,
  • Aggregation of commercial statistics and analysis of site usage.
  • Identity verification and record creation.

Forms for sending information to the merchant are protected by SSL technology during transmission. Once the data reaches the merchant, it is protected by the strict security and confidentiality standards that are always essential for the merchant.

In order to benefit from the SSL encrypted message service, the browser must support SSL and the SSL option must be activated. The data entered by the buyer is stored by the seller for the duration of transactions and legal requirements. The website is constantly evolving and there are developments regarding the use of data. Any developments will be announced on the website under the heading “Privacy Terms”.

Article 13.4 – Confidentiality of Your Reservation Records

When a reservation is made, the recipient will receive a booking code (PNR). This reservation code must always be kept confidential. If the reservation code given to the buyer is not kept confidential, others may access the reservation information. If a group reservation is made to travel with more than one person, the same reservation code will also appear on the tickets of the others in the group. If you do not want these people to have access to your personal booking information, you can also consider the option of making a separate reservation. Any responsibility arising from not keeping the reservation code confidential belongs to the buyer and Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. has no responsibility.

Article 13.5

The BUYER should not share credit card information with others. The BUYER agrees that he/she shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of this information and that the SELLER shall in no way be responsible for the use of credit card information by anyone other than himself/herself. The BUYER accepts and declares that the SELLER does not have any direct or indirect responsibility for all negligence and defects in matters such as the security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and use of credit card information, and agrees and declares to compensate the damage incurred if the SELLER suffers a loss due to its negligence and defect. The BUYER agrees that the BUYER shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of this information and that the SELLER shall not be responsible in any way for the use of credit card information by anyone other than him. The BUYER accepts and declares that the SELLER shall not have any direct or indirect liability for any negligence and defects in matters such as the security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and use of credit card information, and agrees and declares to compensate the damage incurred if the SELLER suffers a loss due to its negligence and defect.


Turkish Law shall apply in disputes that may arise from this agreement. Kuşadası Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes.


Meander Turizm Deniz Tas. Tic. Ve San. A.S. (Meander Travel) may change some or all of these transportation rules when deemed necessary.


In case the order is finalized, the BUYER shall be deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision in this 16-article contract shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of the contract.


The security of your personal information is one of the most important issues for us. Meander Travel does not share any information received from members with other institutions or organizations. Meander Travel respects the privacy rights of its customers and visitors.

In some special cases, your bank or our company may be asked to confirm your order verbally or in writing. In this case, your bank or our company will call you from your registered information and ask for confirmation of your order. In order for your bank and our company to reach you, please make sure that your personal information registered in your bank and the personal information you provided while registering on our website is up to date and correct. Important Reminder: If you cannot be reached at your phone number during the security check, your order may be canceled. Please make sure that the phone number you entered during the reservation is correct. All kinds of information about your reservation will be made via your registered phone number and e-mail address.

Meander Travel is structured using the latest technologies to provide you with uninterrupted service 24 hours a day. At no time and under no circumstances can Meander Travel store or record the credit card details of its customers. No Meander Travel employee can access the credit card information of its customers.

For this purpose, the world-recognized SecureTrust SSL security certificate is used for your credit card security during order transactions. Your credit card information is encrypted before it is sent and sent in this way. During the transfer, your information is transmitted in the most secure way. Your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, etc.) will recognize this certificate and inform you that the pages you enter are secure; It will show addresses starting with https:// (secure pages), which means secure page in the address line. You will see the LOCK icon in your browser indicating the security status. Our security system is compatible with all current browsers. You can shop safely on our site and we wish you a safe journey.

Passenger Transportation & Ticket Cancellation / Refund Conditions


  • It is mandatory to present a ticket at check-in.
  • This document shows that the reservation has been confirmed. A boarding card will also be given to board the boat during check-in.
  • Tickets are personal and non-transferable.
  • “Same Day Return Ticket” is used for outbound and return trips made on the same day.
  • “Round Trip Ticket” is used for outbound and return trips on different days. The return trip must be dated.
  • Tickets are valid between the dates of the calendar year (01.04 / 31.10).
  • Check-in starts at 07:00 every day. In order for the boat to depart at the specified time, you must be at our office for check-in at 07:30 at the latest, taking into account the time you may spend at the passport control and the Free Shop.
  • Keep your passport and tickets ready for check-in.
  • There is absolutely no suspension process for purchased tickets, and the passenger has the right to change the date only once free of charge until 24 hours before the departure time. For more than one date change, each change request fee is 5€ per person. In addition, the change of return tickets must be notified 12 hours before the departure.
  • Passengers who have not used their departure ticket are not entitled to use their return tickets.
  • The passenger agrees to comply with the onboard regulations and the captain’s instructions, both before the boat leaves the port and during the cruise.
  • Passengers with a passport expiry period of less than 90 days cannot travel back and forth as per the law. Please check your passport expiry date.
  • Turkish citizens with a TRNC entry stamp in their passport cannot enter Greece with this passport.
  • The passenger undertakes and accepts that he/she will personally pay the fine to be imposed by Greece if he/she attempts to travel even though they have but admits that they don’t have TRNC stamps on their passports. They also accept that they have been notified of this in advance accordingly.
  • If there is no validity period, scope, date, number of entries, length of stay, or any similar element in the passenger’s passport, visa, residence permit, or other travel documents that would prevent him/her from entering Greece, he/she will personally pay the fine to be imposed by Greece, in case of this issue, undertakes and accepts that he/she has been informed about.
  • Greece does not require a visa from the holders of green and gray Turkish passports.
  • Normal passport holders must have a valid Schengen visa for the duration of the trip. Except for the consular visa, the “Greek Islands Facilitated Visa at the Gate” is applied between the dates determined by the Greek Authorities. Applications for Samos Island are made through our agency.
  • It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that the visa and passport are valid.
  • Since obtaining a visa does not guarantee entry to that country; Meander Travel has no liability for those who are not admitted to the country. For this reason, it does not pay any refund or compensation to the consumer.
  • It is the passenger’s responsibility if the passenger who comes to the check-in process has a visa-passport deficiency. The ticket of the passenger who does not have a visa and passport is not refundable.
  • The operator reserves the right to make any changes to the itinerary. The customer is responsible for following the itinerary. Such changes or cancellations can be made to each consumer individually or announced on the website. The consumer accepts this situation in advance.
  • The ticket fee is only for carriage between the port of departure and the port of destination. Tickets can only be used for the route indicated on them. It does not cover any other services offered unless additional fees are charged by the seller.
  • Women whose pregnancy period is over 6 months are not allowed to travel for their own safety.
  • It is dangerous and prohibited for passengers to embark and disembark from the ship before the ramp is fully opened during embarkation and disembarkation and the ship’s personnel give their approval for boarding or disembarkation without taking the necessary safety precautions.
  • If the passenger acts in a way that endangers the ship, any person and property, prevents the ship’s crew from performing their duties or does not follow the ship’s crew’s instructions, or causes reasonable objections from other passengers, the seller is obliged to prevent the continuation of such behavior, including by restraining the passenger, may take the necessary measures.
  • Due to force majeure (bad weather and sea conditions), Turkish and Greek port authorities and problems that develop beyond our control, due to strikes, technical problems, unavoidable situations (unexpected extraordinary situations such as war, fire, natural disaster) and problems that cannot be resolved by the agency, departures may be stopped, changed or extended. Our company is not responsible for any costs or negativities, including transportation, accommodation, and food expenses, that may arise from these delays and cancellations.
  • All kinds of disputes regarding transportation are resolved in Kuşadası courts according to Turkish Laws and Legislation.
  • Passengers are insured with 3rd party liability insurance.
  • The ticket purchased is non-refundable for any reason.
  • In case of boat cancellations due to the reasons stated in Article 25 before the travel day, if there is availability on the ship on the requested date, a change to the requested date is made upon the request of the passenger.
  • There is no change of direction and no refund for the tickets that have been checked in. Passengers who want to change direction have to buy a new ticket.
  • After the check-in process is completed, the passenger who arrives is not processed.
  • In no way can the seller be requested to change the passenger, date, time and route information of the electronic tickets purchased in accordance with this contract. The Buyer agrees and undertakes that he/she will not change the ticket he/she has purchased pursuant to this contract in any way after the sales approval and will not request a refund.
  • The ticket fee will not be refunded to the passenger who is not allowed to board the ship by the competent authorities or who cannot travel due to visa procedures.